Monday, December 28, 2009

Winter on the Farm

I'm not really much of a writer, but I wanted to let you know what's going on at the farm.

First, we finished cleaning up all the fall crops which means removing every thing from the bed and putting it in the compost pile. This leaves a clean bed which is easier to work and the green waste breaks down faster in the compost pile. The strawberries and raspberries are cut back, weeded, and composted. We planted a lot of cover crops for the winter. This helps shade out weeds, controls soil erosion, and best of all, provides lots of nutrients for the spring and summer crops.

On rainy days we have been working on the planting schedule and ordering seeds. We've planted a few of the crops that take the longest to grow like bunching onions, carrots, beets and sugar peas. Soon we will sow lettuce, broccoli and kohlrabi in the greenhouse followed by cilantro and spinach a little later on.

Our new garden is keeping us busy. We have cleaned up the site, put in an irrigation system and have it bedded up-germinating weeds after each rain that we will till under before we plant in January.

This time of year is pretty exciting because the farm is like a blank canvas. I will continue to keep you updated.

Wishing all of you a happy and healthy new year,

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